Implementing proper workplace safety measures is pivotal to the safety and security of your employees. In particular, if you own a business that involves production, manufacturing, assembling or mining and extraction, you are most likely to use mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as warehousing in order to run your business operations smoothly. The use of forklifts, conveyor belts, scissor ladders as well as electrical chainsaw and drills might also be a very common practice in your type of business.
With so much happening, it is very important not only that you store your equipment with added reinforcements but also maintain certain practices when it comes to maintaining your equipment in order to avoid any hazards.
Here are some of our top tips to ensure equipment safety on your worksite.
Tip#1 – Invest in Good Equipment: The better your equipment, the lesser the chances of accidents. Most machines are a one-time investment and at least run the next 15-20 years without requiring any replacement. It is best that if you are starting a business, you invest in a good quality machinery so that it not only lasts longer saving you thousands of bucks but also doesn’t end up causing accidents. For machinery that costs a lot such as fork lifts, escalators and conveyor belts, and you cannot afford to invest in brand new machinery, you can always buy used forklifts or escalators from well reputed sellers and keep up frequent maintenance in order to ensure workplace safety.
Tip#2 – Keep Up Regular Maintenance Checks: Another important thing about the workplace safety is maintaining and checking your equipment routinely. For the smaller equipment, it is best to clean, oil (If required) and check them for any faults every 2 weeks, which for heavy machinery such as forklifts or scissor stairs or cranes, a thorough maintenance check every 2 – 3 months is important to avoid accidents. Machines that are not timely maintained and repaired can be extremely dangerous and can cause fatal accidents.
Tip#3 – Hire Professionals to Work with Equipment: Many worksite equipment require you to hire people with proper training and/or certification, such as forklift operations, mining, digging and the likes. Letting properly trained professional handle the equipment is not only safe but also keeps your equipment from dismantling due to mishandling. Untrained professionals not only pose a security risk to your business, but also can slow down the production/warehousing/assembling process and cause you a lot of money in terms of delays and inefficiency.
Tip#4 – Ensure Proper Equipment Storage: Another point of importance is the storage of your equipment. In case of heavy machinery like digging machines, excavators, forklifts, it is important that you park them in covered garages or shades to avoid unnecessary exposure to moisture and dirt. This not only prolongs the life of your equipment but also averts the possibility of disaster.
In addition to the heavy machinery, it is also advised that the small tools be stored in a proper storage box for quick access and safety.