
It’s the age-old question of residential construction – renovate or knock down rebuild. Deciding which path to go down depends on several factors, from local council requirements to the environmental sustainability of your home.

To help you make your decision, we’ve put together a few critical considerations before reaching out to a knock down rebuild specialist.

Five Reasons Knock Down and Rebuild Your Home

1.   Knock down rebuild cost

Probably the number one question that gets asked is how much is a knock-down rebuild? Unfortunately, the answer is always it depends. Because each project is different, it’s difficult to determine the average cost of a knock down rebuild.

However, because knock-down rebuild projects offer substantial savings on stamp duty and real estate commission costs, building a new home from scratch is more affordable than renovating an entire home. Plus, with the addition of a fixed-term price, you’ll know the exact cost from the beginning.

2.   Everything is new

A new home is exactly that, a new home. Built to modern standards, with contemporary design features not found in older homes, many individuals will prefer a knock-down rebuild for the sake of newness. And since you’re starting from scratch, you won’t have to compromise with the existing layout. You can even adjust the orientation of your home for improved natural light.

3.   Warranty

With everything brand new, you’ll be supported by various statutory warranties for residential projects. Although these will vary from state to state, some builders offer additional structural warranties for new homes, giving you even more peace of mind.

4.   Environmentally friendly

The long-term energy losses of keeping an existing building’s core may outweigh the short-term energy consumption of a rebuild from a “green” perspective, even if tearing down and rebuilding requires more energy.

Yes, building a new home can result in more carbon emissions. However, the impact that an old home can have on the environment, may outweigh the initial increase in pollution. A knock-down rebuild allows you to construct a more sustainable house with low-impact building practices and environmentally friendly features like recycled water tanks and solar panels.

5.   Time

A knock down rebuild is almost always faster than renovating an existing home. For example, a standard house demolition can cost between $20- $25K and take as little as a week to complete. Then, once a clearance certificate is issued and a site inspection conducted, construction on your brand-new home can begin.

Should You Renovate Your Home

Heritage structures

Depending on the age of your home, you may be living in a heritage structure, which entirely rules out knocking it down and starting again. However, renovating a house isn’t the same as a heritage home. Since old buildings can’t be wholly recreated, preserving the structure’s core design is often the only thing you can do to renovate your home or buildings with thematic, cultural, or historical designs. And since heritage buildings are protected by law, prior approval is required before your renovations can begin.

If you’re a fan of the architecture of your home, why fix something that isn’t broken?

How much will it cost?

The extent of your renovation will determine its cost. While renovating a bathroom may be less expensive than a complete knock-down rebuild project, remodelling an entire home is far more costly. Once you start going beyond two or three rooms, it’s time to consider a KDR.

Getting Council approval

Before any project, you must consider several regulations and requirements for home renovations and construction. Approval times will vary from council to council, depending on your renovation needs. And that’s before we get to the type of block you own or the condition of your house. Older structures tend to come with a few quirks, which may blow out approval times for your renovation.

Effects on the environment

Reusing and repurposing what already exists requires less energy than starting from scratch, at least from a “green” standpoint. However, one of the major quirks of older homes is their sustainability. While you can certainly renovate more environmentally friendly features into your existing home, a new home is much easier and cheaper to maintain.

Fixing your home

Renovations can reduce or eliminate non-compliant elements in an existing structure. If there are only a few issues to fix within your home, a knock down rebuild may not be suitable.

Ask the experts

The scope of your project will determine whether you should rebuild or renovate. When renovating your existing property just won’t cut it, consider building a brand new Better Built home right where you are? Starting from scratch is the ideal answer for anyone looking to update their house without leaving the place they call ‘home’.

Find a knock down rebuild specialist to bring your dream home to life!